If you regularly check our website, blog, or Facebook page, you may have noticed something you don’t often see: stories and photos of our recipients. Given how closely we interact with recipients and how prominently stories feature in most nonprofits’ messaging, you may be wondering if we’ve completely missed the marketing boat. We try to […]
Blog - Recipients
Candid thoughts from staff, donors, and recipients on our work and the broader movement towards cash transfers.
Cash, goods, or services? The poor say cash
Earlier this month, while leaving a recipient’s home after a chat about his purchases and experience with GiveDirectly, I noticed a new structure beside his house that I hadn’t seen on my way in. “What’s that? Did you buy that with the transfer as well?” I asked, and my colleague Erick, Senior Field Officer, translated.The […]
There’s no charity for power saws
One of the main benefits of giving cash is that people can use the cash to buy whatever they want or need. When people first hear about cash transfers, this freedom is sometimes one of the things they worry about – “and… they can just spend it on anything?” But it turns out that, on […]
Room for Improvement: What One Woman’s Cash Transfer Experience Taught Us
GiveDirectly locates recipients in remote, rural areas and securely delivers life-changing amounts of cash directly into their cell phone accounts. Over 97% of our recipients report having received their funds without incident – a testament to the robustness of our systems. Evidence suggests that cash can improve the lives of young women; we are conducting […]
Metal Roofs – A Lesson from the True Poverty Experts
Along with Paul and Chris, I spent last week in Rarieda Province Kenya, where I received a lesson in development from the poor themselves. A typical thatched roof in Kenya (right) must be replaced 1–2 times per year, at a cost of $100–$150, and is often a habitat for insects. A GiveDirectly recipient’s home (left), […]
A Report from the Field: Following Up with Cash Transfer Recipients
This post comes from Piali Mukhopadhyay, our Chief Operating Officer. As of this spring, Piali and our field team in Kenya have overseen the transfer of over $1 million to more than 1,000 households in Western province. They have also laid the groundwork to transfer $675,000 to an additional 1,500 households over the coming months. […]