Please visit the GiveWell website to read an in-depth report on GiveDirectly’s work in Kenya, our expansion into a second country, and our long-term outlook as we continue to scale up our cash transfer operations. The report covers our activities since November 2012, when GiveWell named GiveDirectly their #2 rated charity based on their criteria […]
Blog - Opinions
Candid thoughts from staff, donors, and recipients on our work and the broader movement towards cash transfers.
Holiday media coverage
GiveDirectly in the news this holiday season: Dana Goldstein in the Atlantic: “So simple, it’s genius.” Dylan Matthews in the Washinton Post: “The idea, in a way, is so obvious it’s hard to believe people hadn’t tried to do it on this scale before: ending poverty by giving people money.” Chris Hayes on MSNBC: “A […]
GiveWell: GiveDirectly “top-rated”
We are happy to share the news that GiveWell, a leading non-profit evaluation group, has updated its evaluations for 2012 and now names GiveDirectly one of three “top-rated” organizations. As you may know, GiveWell’s recommendations are extremely selective: their process includes field visits and comprehensive reviews of relevant research, and they ultimately recommend only 1% […]
GiveWell review complete
GiveWell has completed its full review of GiveDirectly and rated us a “standout organization.” GiveWell’s recommendations are extremely selective: they look in depth at both operations and impact, and ultimately recommend only 1% of the organizations they review.
New America Foundation blog coverage
Vishnu Sridharan at the New America Foundation has a nice blog post on our approach and where it fits in to the big picture.
Named a standout organization by GiveWell
We are pleased to have been named a “standout organization” by GiveWell, a highly-respected charity evaluator. To date GiveWell has recommended only 1% of the charities it has reviewed.
Media coverage
GiveDirectly has been receiving media attention from Time Magazine and NPR, among others. Some highlights: Time Magazine’s Moneyland blog called our approach “radical, if obvious.” They ask: “Instead of using charitable donations to set up elaborate programs (and to cover hefty administrative costs for those programs), all in the name of helping the poor, why […]
Lampert Family Foundation grant
GiveDirectly is pleased to acknowledge a $100,000 grant from the Lampert Family Foundation.The Foundation seeks out novel, unorthodox opportunities for philanthropic investment with the potential to generate extraordinary returns to society. This unrestricted grant will be used primarily for transfers to Kenyan households.