Thanks to your incredible generosity, we hit our initial goal and filled the match, but there’s plenty more need – give now to help hit our $1.7M goal by midnight.

Your donations can be life-changing.

This year, GiveDirectly donors helped deliver cash to over 200,000 people in poverty across 11 countries – transforming entire villages in Malawi, reaching Nigerian families just before devastating floods, and more.

Reaching this year-end fundraising goal will unlock over $1.5 million for our highest priority work in Africa next year, including:

  • 🌍 Accelerate the end of extreme poverty in Malawi and Rwanda
  • 🤱 Give cash to expectant and new mothers to save lives and reduce poverty
  • 🛰️ Deliver cash more efficiently to people in crises or fragile contexts
  • 🚀 Test new cash programs that could be even higher impact

If you’re interested in providing anchor funding for these programs, reach out here →

Cash has a lasting impact for communities across Rwanda and Malawi.

One year after receiving ~$1,100 to spend and invest on what they need most, Rwandan families are reporting increases to income, transportation, asset ownership, savings, and more.

In Malawi, every family in Koleni village pitched in $3 to build a health clinic for their community after a mother lost her child during the long transit to a hospital miles away.

Before, it took people 3–4 hours and $2 on transportation to travel from here to [the nearest hospital]. When a child got sick at night, it was very hard for us to travel in the dark. After receiving the cash, we felt empowered to embark on the goal of building a clinic.” – Ephraim, village lead

Your donations will reach more communities and help us demonstrate the power of cash at scale.

With cash, moms can safely deliver and support their babies.

Research shows that cash doesn’t just transform lives – it can help save them. Studies of our work in Kenya and Rwanda found a 46–70% drop in child mortality among families with cash, with the strongest impacts for families who received cash during or shortly after pregnancy.

With money, moms like Seraphine can afford essential medical care and improve their babies’ nutrition and development.

“Receiving cash covered all my hospital expenses, as I had given birth via C-section which required a lot of money. Thankfully, my child and I are now healthy. With the remaining cash, we bought food, as we were starving at the time. We also bought a cow and goat. Once the cow begins producing milk, our children will become healthier.”Seraphine

Research shows cash is a cost-effective way to make a difference.

500+ rigorous academic studies show just how effective cash can be across diverse outcomes like:

  • 📈 Boosting local economies by 2.5X for every cash transfer
  • 👶 Reducing mortality rates for mothers and babies by 46–70%
  • 🍛 Improving families’ food security and nutrition (even more than a nutrition program)
  • ⏰ Creating lasting financial gains, even 12 years later

This year, charity evaluator GiveWell increased their cost-effectiveness estimates of our programs by 3–4x after evaluating our work and new evidence on cash transfers.

Your donations will help us develop and test new cash programs with the potential to make an even bigger impact for people in poverty.

Frequently asked questions

How does the match work?

All donations through this page will be matched (1:1, or 2X) until 11:59PM ET on Dec. 31st, or until $555,000 in match funds is used. This is a “true match”, so if we don’t raise at least $555,000, the leftover match funds will expire. We are continuing to accept match fund commitments from donors, so this amount may change during the campaign.

Due to processing times, we can’t guarantee that donations made via check, wire, DAF, stocks, crypto, or our international partners will be matched.

If you’re interested in making a match pledge for this or future campaigns or would like to request we run a match campaign in your country, reach out to us at

Where will my donations go?

Donations will help reach more people in poverty at greater impact by funding our highest-priority cash transfer programs in Africa. Funds will be restricted to Africa programs only.

What if we raise more or less than the fundraising goal?

Any funds raised will help fund these and other high-impact cash transfer programs in Africa.

Over the next 3 years (2025–2027), we could scale to deliver $1.4B – 4.5x more than we raised for our Africa programs in the last 3 years – while maintaining or exceeding our current operational quality.

What if I’d like to make a major gift?

We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us at

Can I make a recurring donation?

Please do! Recurring donations make our fundraising more consistent, which makes planning and operations more efficient. If you donate with a recurring donation today, only the first payment will be matched.

What is GiveDirectly?

We’re a non-profit that lets donors send money directly to the world’s poorest, no strings attached. In the last decade, we’ve delivered your donations to 1.6 million people across 15 countries.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes, donations are tax-deductible in the United States. We accept all major credit and debit cards, PayPal, checks, wires, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and more.

If you’re giving outside the U.S., you can still give to this campaign but your gift may not be tax-deductible. You can donate via our international partners to claim tax benefits, but due to partner processing delays those donations may not come in before the campaign ends.

If you’d like to give anonymously, you can make a donation via Silent Donor.

Reach out to us at with any questions or for more information on ways to give.

Can I get matched from outside the U.S.?

If you’re giving outside the U.S., you can still give to this campaign via card/PayPal, but your gift may not be tax-deductible. You can donate via our international partners to claim tax benefits, but due to partner processing delays those donations will not be matched.

We are running a separate match for UK donors here, which you can support through Dec. 31st or until match funds run out.